Other names that Diana uses includes Diana Lee Light. Diana Light currently lives in Zeeland, MI in the past Diana has also lived in Zee MI. lifts Rebecca into the air Diana : Im not being sent away again. The ultraviolet light not only lights up Dianas disfigured hand in all its glory, but allows Rebecca to slam it between the door and frame, causing Diana to release her. pulls the trigger Diana : Keep the lights out. Rebecca : Mom, what are you doing Sophie : Saving your lives. Diana Light was born on and is 70 years old. Diana : after being shot at That wont hurt me.

Regularly check water levels to ensure that the nodes on the bare stem are submerged at all times.

Roots should begin to develop within a few weeks.Put the stem cuttings in water, ensuring just the bare stem is submerged, and then place the cuttings in a location that receives medium to bright indirect light.On each stem cutting, remove the bottom two leaves to expose the nodes along the stem.Using a pair of sharp scissors or pruning shears, take stem cuttings from a healthy philodendron micans, ensuring that each cutting has approximately 4-5 leaves/nodes (a node is where a leaf attaches, though sometimes there are nodes with no leaf on them).The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board The film (which has just hit Netflix) was yet another horror film that revolves around a spirit lurking in the childhood house of the main character, Rebecca, ( Teresa Palmer) her younger.